We can organize.
Not just agonize.
Now what can we do?
We need to energize.
This was my childhood paradise
And I love it still.
But it needed some protecting
And it always will.
So I ran for city council
And I won. “What the hay!”
Then I ran for mayor
And I won. “What you say!”
So! What can we do?
We can organize,
Not just agonize.
Now what can we do?
We can organize.
We need to energize.
Our life, our world, our planet.
We need to protect.
When things go wrong,
We must correct.
Now I’m running for Congress.
“What you say?”
I’m running for Congress.
I’m on my way.
Whatever your story,
Wherever your home,
When you organize,
You’re never alone.
Speak out for what you believe.
You’ll be amazed at what you’ll achieve.
So! What can we do?
We can organize.
Not just agonize.
Come on!
What can we do?
We can organize.
We need to energize.
Copyright © 2018 Vince Nash and Maritza Nelson, All rights reserved.